A woman smiling in a meeting

Frequently Asked Questions

We know that applying for a new career can sometimes seem a little daunting, but it doesn’t need to be.

What is the recruitment process?

First, we'll review everyone’s application and decide who we'd like to interview. You will usually hear from us within three working days (we get that applying for jobs is important and that time is probably of the essence!)

Bear in mind that this will be your first formal interview in the process, so make sure that you come prepared! These initial interviews usually take place over Zoom or TEAMs so it is more personal, we can meet you and put a face to the name.

After this interview, you may be invited to meet with a member of our senior team. This is often face-to-face (although it can be virtual depending on diary commitments). Here we will want to learn more about you to help us both decide whether this is the right path for you. This is your chance to showcase your skills and tell us just what makes you so uniquely suited to this role. Your career is important to us – after all, we prefer to promote from within so it's crucial that we determine whether you'll be a good fit.

Whatever our decision, we promise to come back to you as soon as possible.

I would love to work for you, but I can't find a role that suits me. What can I do?

Just register your interest and we can keep your details on file in case something suitable pops up. Also, always keep an eye on our vacancies page to find out about any new opportunities available.

Can I just email my CV?

It’s vital for us that your application doesn’t get lost which is why we ask that all applicants apply through our vacancies page. Not only will this allow us to keep a close eye on the progress of your application, but it’ll also give you the peace of mind that we’ve received everything that we need. Further down the line, you’ll receive confirmation and follow up emails that will inform you about the next steps.

How can I prepare for my interview?

At the interview, it’s likely that you’ll be asked what you already know about us and your perception of the role you have applied for. To help you answer this, we suggest that you do your research ahead of time. After all, we want you to be sure we are right for you, just as much as the other way round. You’ll find a wealth of information right here on our website – head over to our values page and take some time to get to know us before we meet.

How long does the application take?

We’ve made the application process even easier to complete. There are just a few questions for you to answer and a fun multiple-choice section, all of which is designed to give us a better picture of you as a person.

Is there a closing date for your roles?

It is rare that we’ll specify closing dates. We believe in advertising a role until we find the right person and they have started with us.

However, if you do see a job that you’re interested in, it is always best to apply as soon as possible.

Who will conduct my interview?

Your initial telephone or online interview will be conducted by a member of our in-house recruitment team.

Your face-to-face interview will be with one of our directors or the line manager relevant to the position advertised.

I get nervous at interviews. Do you have any advice?

If you are one of the millions of people who dread the thought of interviews, there really is no need to worry.

We’ve all been through the interview process ourselves and we know that the best interviews are the ones where the applicant is relaxed and can be themselves.

We try to create that relaxed atmosphere and here are some top tips for interviewees.

  • Be early to be on time

  • Make sure you dress appropriately for the role

  • Know why you want the role, and why it’s ideal for you

  • Prepare as much as you can

  • Feel free to ask any questions that you may have

  • Relax and be yourself

When can I expect to hear if I've got the job?

Our fantastic recruitment team always work hard to let you know as soon as they possibly can but please bear in mind that, for our more popular opportunities, there may sometimes be a bit of a delay. We’ll keep you updated about timeframes when we meet with you.

How long does the application process take?

Your application should be quick, easy and fun to complete. There are a few questions for you to answer and a fun multiple-choice section, all of which are designed to give us a good overall view of you as a person.

What if I need to change my interview time?

We know that sometimes life just happens.

Whether you’re unwell, have a family emergency, or have been unable to attend unexpectedly, just let us know with as much notice as possible and we will happily rearrange your interview for a later date.