Privacy Policy

​GDPR Privacy Policy & Notice

About this Policy (Job Applicant Privacy Policy)

 Arun Estate Agencies Ltd. (Arun) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your Data.

This Privacy Policy & Notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you during the recruitment process, in accordance with The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the UK General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (UK GDPR 2018). This Privacy Policy & Notice applies to all applicants, whether they apply for a role directly or indirectly through an employment agency.

This Privacy Policy & Notice is non-contractual.

What information will we collect?

 In connection with your application to work with us, we will collect, store, and use your personal Data. Personal Data covers any information which relates to you as an identifiable person. Below are examples of the type of Data that we may collect from you:

  • Information about you, the candidate, including Identity Data such as forename, last name, maiden name, date of birth, gender, marital status, and username or similar identifier.

  • Contact Data, which could include home or work address, email address and telephone numbers, personal or job title and position.

  • Information you have shared with Recruitment Agencies who refer you for recruitment.

  • The information you have provided to us in your curriculum vitae (CV) and covering letter/email, including references, education history and employment history.

  • Any information you provide to us during an interview.

  • Information you provide in relation to your right to work in the UK. Documents will be requested if the candidate is successful in progressing to a second stage interview.

Special Category Data

 Special Category Data specifically relates to your:

  • Health and Medical Data

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Race

  • Ethnic Origin

  • Political Opinions

  • Religion

  • Trade Union Membership

  • Criminal Record

We must process Special Category Data in accordance with more stringent guidelines. Most commonly, we will only process Special Category Data when the following applies:

  • You have given explicit consent to the processing.

  • Data processing is required to carry out our legal obligations.

  • Data processing is required for reasons of substantial public interest.

  • You have already made the Data public.

We will use Special Category Data primarily for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring. We do not need your consent if we use Special Category Data to carry our legal obligations or exercise specific rights under employment law. However, we may ask for your consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive Data and if this occurs, you will be made fully aware of the reasons for the processing and can decline to permit processing if preferred.

Criminal Conviction Data

We will only collect Criminal Conviction Data where the law permits and it is appropriate to the nature of your role. This Data is usually collected at the recruitment stage, however, it may also be collected during your employment, should you be successful in securing a role.

How will we collect your personal Data?

A range of different methods may be used to collect Data which may include the following:

  • Direct interaction with us in person, by post, phone, email or otherwise. You may give us your Identity, Contact and Financial Information.

  • Automated technologies or interactions with our websites, by using the web enquiry form. You may give us Identity, Contact and Financial Information.

  • Third parties or publicly available sources (third parties may be used in processing Identity, Contact and Financial categories of personal Data).

How will we use your information?

We may hold and process personal Data that you provide to us in accordance with DPA 2018. The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used to:

  • manage the recruitment process and assess your suitability for employment or engagement.

  • consider recruitment applications and reach decisions

  • comply with statutory and/or regulatory requirements and obligations, e.g. checking your right to work in the UK.

  • comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled job applicants

  • ensure compliance with your statutory rights.

  • ensure effective HR, personnel management, and business administration.

  • monitor equal opportunities.

  • enable us to establish, exercise or defend legal claims

Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. This may include Identity, Contact and Transactional Data.

We will only use your personal Data for a reason other than the purpose for which it was originally obtained if we consider that there is a legitimate interest in using it for that purpose e.g. If you are an existing candidate, we may contact you with information about similar roles to those applied for.

Who will we share your information with?

There may be circumstances where it is necessary for us to disclose your Data to third parties. These include:

  • Regulatory bodies to enable us to comply with the law, assist fraud protection and minimise credit risk. This may include Identity, Contact and Transactional Data,

  • External providers to check criminal convictions, credit references (financial services roles only) and driving licence checks

  • Contacting your named referees directly

We may disclose your personal Data outside of our organisation:

In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose your personal Data to the prospective seller or buyer. If Arun Estate Agencies Ltd is bought by a third party, personal Data relating to its candidates will be transferred to the buyer. Any such transfer will require a contractual commitment to protect the confidentiality of your personal Data and comply with this Privacy Policy.

We do not reveal information about identifiable individuals to our advertisers however, we may, on occasion, provide them with Aggregated Data about our Website visitors and customers. If you do not want us to share your Data with third parties you will have the opportunity to withhold your consent when providing your details on the Data collection form, or at any time subsequently, by email to

Data accuracy

It is important that the Data that we hold about you is accurate and up to date.

In the event that your Data changes please notify us so that we can update our records.

Controlling the use of your Data

You can revoke or vary your consent for us to process your Data at any time during the recruitment process. If you do not want us to use your Data or want to vary the consent that you have provided, you can email us at at any time.

Data storage and the transfer your Data

We have put in place security measures to prevent your Data from accidental, loss or disclosure. Once we have received your personal Data, we will use strict procedures and security protocols to prevent unauthorised access. 

How long will you keep my Data for?

In line with Data protection principles, we only keep your Data for as long as we need it for, and this will depend on whether or not you are successful in obtaining employment with us.

If you application is unsuccessful and you have not provided consent for us to retain your Data for the purpose of using it for future suitable job vacancies, we will keep your Data for 6 months from collecting it.

If you have provided your consent to retain your Data for future job vacancies, we will keep your Data for 1 year from collecting it. At the end of this period, or sooner if consent is withdrawn, we will delete/destroy your Data.

If your application is successful, your Data will be retained in our HR software system. We have a separate Privacy Notice for employees which will be provided to you during your onboarding with the Company.

Your rights

It is important that you are aware of your rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you.

In certain circumstances, you have the right to:

  • request access to your personal information by making a Data Subject Access Request for the personal information we hold about you.

  • request rectification of your personal information to correct any inaccurate or incomplete information we hold.

  • request the deletion of the personal information we hold if we no longer have reason to retain it.

  • restrict the processing of your personal information by asking us to suspend processing e.g. to verify/correct its accuracy.

  • request that we stop processing your information if it is no longer necessary for us to do so.

This Privacy Policy & Notice supersedes any other Privacy Notice provided to you at the point of collecting your Data and should be read in conjunction with that notice. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy & Notice or how we collect and process your Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at or by post at First Floor, West Suite, Cottis House, Locks Hill, Rochford, SS4 1BB.

In the event of a dispute, the Information Commissioner’s Office regulate and enforce Data Protection legislation and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113.